And it says there is no risk of infection from eating well-cooked meat from pigs. 并且,该组织称不会有因食用煮熟的猪肉而感染的危险。
And that stress, over time, can lead to premature aging, a weakened immune system, damage to the brain, a higher risk of infection, the development of mental disorders, and the beginnings of heart disease. 随着时间推移,这样的压力就会导致提前衰老,免疫系统变弱,损伤大脑,更容易受感染,导致精神障碍和心脏病。
That all reduces the risk of infection. 这些都会降低感染风险。
The high risk of infection put a premium on the use of sterile needle. 由於受感染的风险很大,无菌注射针的使用受到了重视。
We do all that we can to minimize the risk of infection. 我们竭尽全力将传染的风险降到最低程度。
Higher tuberculosis notification rates in men may partly reflect epidemiological differences-differences in exposure, risk of infection, and progression from infection to disease. 男子中结核病呈报率较高,某种程度上可能反映出流行病学差异,即接触、感染风险和从感染发展成疾病方面的差异。
These practices therefore result in a significant risk of infection in areas with outbreaks in poultry. 因此,这些做法在发生家禽疫情的地区造成严重的感染危险。
The advertising campaign has raised awareness of the risk of infection. 宣传运动提高了对传染危险的意识。
Strict hygiene can reduce the risk of infection. 严格的卫生措施可以减少感染的危险。
The lack of clean running water and waste removal systems also increase the risk of infection. 缺少干净的自来水和废物清除系统也增加了传染的危险。
Have been recalled due to the risk of infection. 让我们想起了原来的传染病危机。
Pregnant women – except during a yellow fever outbreak when the risk of infection is high; 孕妇,但在出现黄热病疫情,感染风险很高时例外;
If you're concerned about your risk of infection with swine flu, talk to your doctor and follow specific recommendations from him. 如果你担心你有感染猪流感的风险,告诉你的医生并接受他的特殊建议和指导。
Side effects include soreness and a minimal risk of infection. 而副作用包含了疼痛和注射时候的风险。
It followed thousands of women in Africa and compared their patterns of contraceptive use to their risk of infection with HIV. 该研究跟踪了上千的非洲妇女,把她们的避孕方式和感染HIV的风险进行比较。
If unsanitary conditions are present, vaginal health can be at risk of infection. 如果环境条件不卫生,阴道健康有被感染的风险。
Bio-safety conditions should be strictly followed to avoid risk of infection for laboratory staff. 为避免实验室人员的感染风险,必须严格遵守生物安全条件。
An Research on the Measurement of the Banking Systematic Risk Based on the Risk of Infection 基于风险传染角度下银行系统性风险测度研究
No big added risk of infection. 不要冒附加的受感染的大风险。
In humans, this degree of exposure would cause a sharp decrease in blood cells, leaving individuals with an increased risk of infection and bleeding. 对于人类来说,这种剂量的照射可导致血液细胞的明显减少,导致个体感染和出血的风险增加。
Separating the sick from the healthy lessens the risk of infection. 将病人和健康人分开,可减少传染的危险。
An experimental HIV vaccine has for the first time cut the risk of infection, researchers say. 研究人员称,一种试验性艾滋病疫苗首次降低了其传染的风险。
The laser also produces less swelling and scarring and there is a lower risk of infection. 激光导致的肿胀和瘢痕较小,感染的风险较低。
The reduction in production of normal antibodies results in increased risk of infection. 减少在生产正常的抗体,结果在增加感染的风险。
There is also no risk of infection from this virus from consumption of well-cooked pork and pork products. 食用煮熟了的猪肉食品不会感染猪流感病毒。
At the moment, however, there is no system in place in low-and middle-income settings to determine the likelihood and magnitude of the risk of infection associated with each of these factors. 但在目前,低收入和中等收入国家尚没有形成体系,用来确定与以上每一个因素相关的感染风险的可能性和严重程度。
With the development of immunosuppressive drugs, the risk of infection is increasing after renal transplantation. 随着免疫抑制剂的发展,肾移植术后发生感染的风险在逐渐提高。
Specific prevention for HFMD or other non-polio enterovirus infections is not available, but the risk of infection can be lowered by good hygienic practices. 目前尚无针对性的预防手足口病或其他非脊髓灰质炎肠病毒感染的手段,但是,如采用正确的个人卫生措施可以降低感染的风险。
This raises the risk of infection, especially on campus where everyone's lives resemble each other so closely. 这造成了传染的风险,尤其是在所有人的生活都如此相似的工业园区内部。